Massage & Pain Management
Make yourself comfortable in our rejuvenating massage room, enjoy the glow and warmth of the fireplace, flickering candles, take in the scent of top grade, Young Living Essential Oils diffusing around you, all while enjoying a 60 or 90 minute massage, entirely tailored to your bodies needs!
Massage therapy is offered in our St. Albans office only.
Enhance your massage with:
Young Living Ortho Sport Massage Oil - A blend of oils formulated specifically to leave skin, muscles, and joints with a comforting, cool-warm sensation.
Young Living Relaxation Massage Oil - A blend of oils formulated specifically for their relaxing, restorative properties.
The APEX System is a state-of-the-art device allowing the application of therapy using non-invasive shockwaves. Shockwaves are one of the most effective ways to treat pain associated with the musculoskeletal system. The medical effects are numerous, including new blood vessel formation, reversal of chronic inflammation, collagen production and much more! Acoustic wave is offered in our St. Albans office only.